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Octopussy & The Living Daylights RARE ADVANCE BINDING One of only 3 known copies

Jonathan Cape 1966 (95 pages): EXCEPTIONALLY RARE advance Cape binding in red boards. This advance binding was hitherto unknown to official Ian Fleming bibliogapher, Jon Gilbert, until found the first one in 2020. Gilbert has since authenticated the red-board variant as an official Cape advance copy. We can exclusively share this second example, which is now known to be one of just three in total known to exist. This is the only copy for sale (the other two are in private collections). Advance Cape bindings pre-date first the impression books bound for general sale. They were normally sent to libraries in very limited numbers (some in the tens of books; others less than a hundred). This is the earliest known example of a hardback-bound Octopussy & The Living Daylights (uncorrected proofs are all softcovers). An almost unique book.

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