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Stuck searching for a title?
Don't worry, we'll find it for you
What we found found...
It takes time tracking down the very best-condition books to improve your Fleming first edition collection.
So let us do the searching for you!
We've spent years gaining access to a unique network of private collectors, book shops, auction houses and other obscure outlets to hunt down and acquire the best condition books.
In the process we've discovered two completely unknown variants (see below) - books new to the Ian Fleming Foundation, and which will now be documented as part of the official history of Ian Fleming Jonathan Cape titles.
Simply tell us your wish list, the condition you want your book(s) to be in, and the budget you have to spend for finding them, and we'll do all the leg-work for you.
What we've found...


The first documented
advance Jonathan Cape
binding of From Russia With Love
Confirmed by Ian Fleming bibliographer,
Jon Gilbert
The first documented
advance Jonathan Cape
binding of Octopussy &
The Living Daylights.
Confirmed by Ian Fleming bibliographer, Jon Gilbert
The Spy Who Loved Me proof
WITH advance DJ - one of less than
ten known to exist
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